To provide diverse recreational experiences that encourage active lifestyles.
Key Strategic Areas
- Assessment - We evaluate satisfaction, effectiveness, and outcomes to improve programs, services, facilities, and initiatives.
- Communication and Collaboration - We work collaboratively to establish campus and community partnerships which support purposeful communication and collaboration.
- Facilities - We maintain, renovate, and construct state-of-the-art facilities to enhance learning and encourage community. Projects demonstrate an appreciation for aesthetics, sustainability, and safety.
- Fiscal Responsibility - We are good stewards of our finances and take a team approach in budget development and forecasting.
- Inclusion and Diversity - We provide diverse opportunities that increase knowledge, experience, appreciation, and respect of various perspectives.
- Innovation - We work creatively to lead the field of collegiate recreation.
- Personnel - We invest in our personnel by providing competitive salaries and developmental opportunities to recruit, retain and reward excellent employees.
- Programs - We work to provide the most comprehensive programming experience with an emphasis on mental health and well-being.
- Resource Management - We secure, invest, and utilize resources to enhance programs, services, facilities, and initiatives.
- Student Learning and Engagement - We create opportunities that encourage active learning, development, involvement and discovery for student employees and participants.